1. Performed Soft and Hard. The end result of chi sau training is to use very little strength, keep one step ahead, be relaxed, use ingeniouschanges to neutralize force, and develop the ability to hit hard and fast. The beginning student on the otherhand often uses a lot of speed, a lot of strength, has a repertoire of very few movements and often does nothave effective hits. If Wing Chun is to work for the smaller, weaker or older person, then we must train todevelop the qualities of the first approach. 2. Study Slowly and Patiently. It takes time to build new reactions into our brain neurons. At least 166 repetitions are required to just remember a movement and thousands are required to refine it to a practical skill. How we learn is to performan action, then measure it against the correct response, then modify our internal neural parameters until we achieve success. In the absence of personal one-on-one training with a great master who would correct every reaction, we must rely on o...