Chi Sau Drills at the Sil Lum Tao Level

In combat, after the execution of a block or attack, a temporary contact is established. It is
through this contact point that the opponent’s next move can be immediately detected as a
transmitted vibration. At every contact point, three possible situations can be detected:

1. The opponent’s force continues in the same direction as he follows through with his movement;
2. The opponent’s force stops before going on to another movement; and
3. The opponent’s force retreats and is withdrawn to the opposite or near opposite direction.

Chi sao is a unique wing chun training method for developing and training contact reflexes. It is used for developing sensitivity in the arms, allowing you to feel your opponent’s intentions and moves. Chi sao teaches correct elbow position, the right type of energy, feeling for an opponent’s emptiness, and defending with minimum motion by keeping within the nucleus of the four corners. Movement in chi sao is like a flowing stream—never still. It avoids the “clinging stage” (the mind stopping to abide) and the attaching of one’s self to a particular object rather than flowing from one object to another. The emphasis in chi sau is on the constant flow of energy. Such energy should not be misinterpreted as being a secret, mysterious, or internal power. The
primary approach to chi sao practice is to hone technical skill to a razor’s edge for instinctive hand placement so basic in the wing chun style. The better and more constant your flow (which is only developed by sticking hands with a competent teacher), the more you can take advantage of the opponent’s most minute openings.

Chi Sau practice can become frustrating when it is viewed as a fight rather than as a practice. When viewed as a fight, the speed and strength factors are such that many of the techniques won't work unless you have mastered them; so you will respond with crude strength-based methods. Each side will hit the other side 50% of the time and both sides will have learned nothing.


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